Ramp up and start working on your project in three business days or less.
Pick from 2000+ active software developers, and 10000+ pre vetted engineers on file.
Our clients save up to $2,000 per hire.
As a startup founder or tech innovator or a CTO, hiring the right software development geeks has always been one of your biggest challenges. Sifting through resumes, screening candidates, synchronizing interviews - it's a time-consuming process with no guarantees. On top of that, in traditional hiring, talented coders are hard to come by. Wouldn't it be great to outsource all that risk and effort to the experts? Hire top vetted developers from remote product engineering platforms, such as Muoro, to get your fix and save even more money.
Vetted developer hiring is a remote talent acquisition model where companies like Muoro take care of sourcing, screening, and selecting only the top pre-qualified software engineers for your open roles or projects.
We maintain an exclusive pool of vetted software developers across dozens of developing countries who have undergone a rigorous multi-step evaluation to prove their skills and work ethic.
Muoro recruits skilled developers from emerging markets by accessing engineering talent pools in Asia, Eastern Europe, and Latin America. You may, for example, hire top-vetted blockchain developers from the Ukraine, front-end developers from India, Python developers from Nigeria, and so forth.
The reason is simple: in certain cases, we reduce development expenses by 60%. The savings are astronomical when you hire top developers in multiple numbers.
For this reason, CEOs and CTOs in Silicon Valley are more drawn to remote developers who have been screened by Muoro.
Searching for great developers yourself is like finding a needle in a haystack. But with remote and vetted hiring, that needle is already pulled out for you so you save countless hours and money that would be better spent scaling or marketing your business.
Compared to using just traditional resumes, our AI-based screening process helps validate an engineer's skills immediately, providing you with significantly more confidence.
Over the years, we have refined our sourcing procedure and screening to distinguish real coding talents, serving as a trustworthy partner to dozens of top global businesses from Germany, the United Arab Emirates, India, and the United States.
Want to work with top software developers from around the world? Hire top vetted developers now at Muoro!
1. Vetted hiring allows near-instant onboarding of top engineering talent. Tech brands and CTOs can staff critical vetted engineering roles in less than three days or 72 hours with Muoro versus months through traditional hiring. This flexible process means no more delays and extra cost on projects.
2. As a tech innovator, you need access to a global pool of pre-qualified developers. Hiring vetted developers from Muoro removes geographical constraints and opens innovators and tech founders to the best programmers worldwide. You also experience diverse view points from multiple talents from different regions.
3. Hiring remote and top vetted developers from Muoro means savings of 30-70% on costs compared to equivalent local hiring. Our vetted hiring leverages lower rates in global talent hubs while maintaining top caliber. This provides major cost efficiencies for tech businesses.
4. Our top vetted engineers proficient in languages such as Python, Golang, ASP.NET developers are ready to deliver immediately. Our rigorous screening process ensures hired developers can hit the ground running from day one with no ramp-up time. They tackle complex work efficiently from anywhere.
In short, Muoro has implemented a completely transparent AI-screening process to reduce risk.
Through our multi-step process of skills tests, interviews, and reference checks, tech firms preparing to invest millions of dollars in a digital product may acquire a better understanding of a candidate's demonstrated qualifications and work experience up front.
Tech businesses and their executives can scale teams very quickly as needed using Muoro's pre-qualified, globally vetted pool, as opposed to traditional staffing, which can delay projects.
At Muoro, we provide a full range of remote development services designed to assist CEOs and CTOs in building, hiring, and developing their remote software engineering teams at an economical level in the IT industry.
In other words, we are able to work within your financial constraints and identify the most affordable developers.
While hiring pre-vetted developers with Muoro, you have two choices. EaaS is one, and the Engineering PoDs model is another.
You can hire specific engineers for each of your projects, for instance, if you select our Engineer-as-a-Service (EaaS) model. Engineer requirements can always be scaled up or down.
Additionally, if you choose the Engineering PoDs model, you can collaborate by hiring a whole software development team with pre-vetted developers. In addition, we offer in-house team management services to guarantee peak performance and delivery.
Whether you’re gearing up to launch a mobile app, create a fresh website, or revamp an existing application, our team of skilled developers is here to make it happen.
Check out our role-specific software developers in various technologies:
1. DotNet Developers
2. ReactJS Developers
3. Python Developers
4. SQL Developers
5. WordPress Developers
6. Shopify Developers
7. PHP Developers
8. HTML/CSS Developers
9. JavaScript Developers
If you have a project involving artificial intelligence, machine learning, cloud engineering, or SaaS technology, you can work with Muoro to hire the best vetted developers at a reasonable cost.
Our top vetted developers excel at problem-solving, unambiguous codes, and seamless communication. Plus, our developers go through seniority tests to assess their eligibility for various roles within your projects.
So, why wait? Hire the best vetted developers today!
As a CEO, CTO, or hiring manager, sourcing top tech developers and engineering talent locally can be discouraging and inefficient. Muoro's global network of over 2000 vetted developers will ensure top-notch delivery and development, regardless of location.
Experience the benefits of hiring vetted developers with Muoro:
1. Maximize cost savings (usually, expect over 40% cost savings with 3-5 remote developers).
2. Use Muoro's specialized development centers to reduce operating expenses.
3. Accelerate your MVP or product launch to the market (3x fast launch guarantee).
Is Muoro's remote hiring model the strategic solution you've been searching for next artificial intelligence and machine learning product?
Let's discuss how our vast network of vetted engineers can bring your colossal idea to the consumers. Get in touch today and hire pre-vetted developers with Muoro!